Point Hearts to Jesus

Point hearts to Jesus.
This is it.

Keep the focus on Jesus.
Keep your eyes on Jesus.
Keep your feet on His path.
Keep your hands serving in His ways.

Love people well.
Lead people well.
Know people well.

Love in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18
Love with compassion and grace. Psalm 145:8
Love with a heart full of conviction for the gospel to go forth. Mark 16:15

Press into hard places.
Ask questions and seek scripture.
Find relationships with believers that point you back to Jesus. Believers that are willing to share the good + tumultuous parts of life with you. Let them be your people and dive in deep with them.

Friends, God has not changed His mind on anything He’s said. And what I've overlooked for so long is that His love hasn't changed either. I couldn't grasp it. It felt too deep and too wide to understand.

But as the Lord has pulled me out of the pit of arrogance and pride, I see it. I see how deep, I see how wide, and I see what a gift of grace it is to fully WALK in the LOVE of God.

Yes, He is sovereign and just, but He is also gracious and loving. Full of compassion and unwavering in His desire to give new life. What Jesus did on the cross becomes discounted if we don't choose to walk in His love. I can't live in truth without His love - because His love is TRUTH. His truth is LOVE.

Don’t miss the gift we have through the LOVE of God. People are hungry for real, truthful, compassionate, unwavering love - so brothers and sisters go share this truth with the world that so desperately needs it.

And I want to share a secret with you that I've seen time and time again - when sharing the love of God + the truth of God + the compassion of God = more times than not, a person's heart is softened to the idea that God really does want a relationship with them.


Sharing Jesus + Sharing Life | A Heart Set Ablaze


How Journaling Changed My Life