Sharing Jesus + Sharing Life | A Heart Set Ablaze

What happens when you try something for a while and it works? If you’re anything like me, you want to tell EVERYONE about it (am I right!?!? )!

A workout regimen, a new easy meal the whole family loves, the quicker router to the lake, the best realtor in your community, and the list goes on.

This has me thinking…why have I stopped living for Jesus this way. Y’all - let. me. tell. you. When I first tasted the grace of God I told EVERYONE about Jesus, not in an abrasive way. I was like a little girl who just found a hidden treasure and wanted to show all her friends.

It didn’t matter where I was, who I was with, or what was going on…every conversation pointed back to Jesus. And the best part - I had no knowledge of theology, Greek, Hebrew, or denominations. I just had a heart set ablaze for Jesus.

Truth be told, I’ve missed that girl a lot. I’m talking A-LOT A-LOT. In my desire to know God more deeply, (I couldn’t see it then but see it all now ) I got caught up in wanting to BE God. My heart began to compete with the one who created me. My heart which was once a blaze felt like a heart of small embers just hoping to get stoked again.

God got ahold of my heart (as He always does) and has been plucking up every seed planted that was not from Him and I am just so. very. thankful.

To circle back…share Jesus like you would share anything else that has changed your life…because He is the ONLY reason we have been changed and saved and offered a seat at His table.

I pray your day is filled with moments that remind you God sees you: in the seasons of hard, drought, joy, and celebration. He's in all of it and His heart is FOR you!

Take this inventory of your heart:

  • Do you want to spend time with the Lord?

  • Have you felt distant from God?

  • Open up your Bible. Even if for only a minute, get back in the Word, and choose to walk with Jesus regardless of how you feel.

  • Have you been more tempted into sinful habits?

If you said yes to any (or all of these) I have walked through them all too. It's a hard season when you feel the weight of one, but feeling the weight of all can make you want to put your Bible on the shelf to collect dust. I want to encourage you to try these 3 things:

  • Get real with God. He is not surprised by anything you have to say. Share your heart. ALL. OF. IT. Ask Him to meet you where you are, mess and all.

  • Ask for prayer from a close friend. Be specific about your desires to be softened and on fire for the Lord again.

  • Open up your Bible. Even if for only a minute, get back in the Word, and choose to walk with Jesus regardless of how you feel.


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Point Hearts to Jesus