How Journaling Changed My Life

There are a handful of things I'm very passionate about. Journaling is one of those things. One phrase most people who've been in my world have heard from me is this, "write that down!" Being able to look back and see how things we once wrote on paper are now coming to fruition is a beautiful thing. 

Since I was little I was a diary girl. I'd write about a crush or share something that made my heart sad. As I grew older though, those little diary entries turned into pages and pages full of prayers, hopes, dreams, and desires. 

Once I became a follower of Jesus, these journals became even more impactful for me. I could now go back through the seasons of my life documented on the pages of journals and see the hand of God moving. It made my relationship with Jesus so much deeper because it felt (in a weird way) like an open phone line. 

A phone line where I'd share my heart, my hurts, my celebrations, and everything in between. And by the next day, I'd be back ready to share more. It gave me a closeness with the Lord I knew I wouldn't experience otherwise. 

So you may be wondering what it looks like for YOU to journal if:

  • you've never been a writer and feel weird doing so.

  • you've started writing in a million different journals but never stayed consistent.

  • you've never journaled but have found yourself wanting to be able to look back on life and see what has unfolded. 

Whichever one it may be, I'm here to tell you that journaling will change your life AND I'm going to tell you how to show up consistently in your journal, what to journal about if you need some guidance, and why this will change your life. 

How to show up in a journal when you've never been a writer:

  • Pick a journal that makes you feel happy or cozy when you look at it. This really does make all the difference. I LOVE a good leather-lined paged journal. It feels timeless and warm. Cozy and sturdy. Here's a link to one similar to mine! JOURNAL LINK

  • Silly as it sounds, find your favorite pen! I have two pens that I always use. I MUST have soft, black ink.

  • Find a time you can consistently sit down to write. Just 3-5 minutes a day. Once you do this for a few weeks, you'll find it becomes a favorite part of your day.

  • Your words don't have to be eloquent. These pages are just for you (and the Lord). No one else is reading them, so the style, spelling, and length don't matter! 

How to show up in a journal when you've started a million different ones and always quit:

  • Implement all of what is listed above! 

  • As silly as this may sound, keep your journal in a place where you will sit every day. This is HUGE for someone like myself, I am very much a creature of habit. I start my days in the same cozy chair, with the same cozy blanket. Same cup for my coffee or chai and YOU GUESS IT the same Bible, journal, and study journal! 

  • Choose what you want to journal about as a starting point. Each day commit to writing about (for example) what you hope the day brings or something that you're praying specifically about. This will get your brain going and the next thing you know, you'll be two pages in!

  • Stay consistent. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Show up and leave your heart on the pages!

How to show up in a journal when you've never journaled but have found yourself wanting to be able to look back on life and see what has unfolded:

  • Pick a journal that suits you (just like I listed above!)

  • Start documenting all the important memories you've made! This is a great way to get started. Go way back in your memory bank and begin writing all the stories that were impactful. For example, one of my journals holds all the memories I have from the moment I met my husband!  I still look back through it to see all God has done!

  • Once you've caught up on all that was in your memory bank, a quick + consistent way to get journaling every day is this: write one thing a day that stood out to you. This could be a person, an answer to prayer, or even something that took you by surprise!

Journaling will absolutely change your life and the way you look at each day. Each day of your life is part of a story, once given only to you by our Creator! When we approach each day as a part of our story, it gives so much more meaning to our moments. When you begin writing your day-to-day life on paper, the next thing you know, you have your God-given story in the palm of your hands. 

Journaling will:

  • Shift your perspective.

  • Give you a better view of the whole picture.

  • Help you to see your life as a God-given story.

  • Capture your life on paper and capture the beauty of our Creator through your life. 


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